I just realized I have not posted in months. Wow, time is flying. This will be a semi-short one to say we are enjoying the hustle and bustle of the Holidays. The boys are so excited and can't wait for 11 more days to pass. We had a fun pizza party with Aunt April for her birthday last night. Our tree is decorated and we have 4 inches of snow on the ground. It looks like a winter wonderland. Here is a photo of the boys with Santa.
Daniyar wants to know where Santa is every waking moment. He wants a Thomas train that stops and goes (remote controlled) from Santa. He was our chief tree decorator with most ornaments between 2 and 3 feet off the ground but we don't have a designer tree anyway.
Collin wants anything and everything Star Wars related. We are having many light saber duels and storm trooper shootouts these days. He's a little worried about getting a lump of coal (or "wump of coaw" as he says.) Some days rightfully so!
We have officially seen Polar Express 20 times now with many re-enactments of the hot chocolate scene lately. The boys were dancing around the kitchen with their mugs and Daniyar even acted out the knee slide quite well. He also does a mean train hobo from the movie with the Santa hat on. Collin likes to quote the "stinkin underwear" part a lot. We are in the potty words stage for sure. His Thanksgiving thanks were for Star Wars and armpits (probably really Star Wars and armpits because it is a funny word.)
They are both on clothing kicks. Only superhero, star wars or toy story shirts will do. Daniyar will wear khaki pants with elastic waists only. Do all kids do this? You'll see, they wouldn't even budge for the Santa photo.
Happy Holidays! Hope yours are as joyful as ours. Jacqueline
Wow! I cannot believe how much they've grown and changed!!! They look so happy! Enjoy your Christmas, looks like you're going to have a really fun one this year :) Merry Christmas to all of you.
I'm glad you got caught up on the blog even if it was a quickie. Those are two happy super hero elves!
I didn't think boys would go through the cloths stage as much as girls but there you go. They look cute and happy and hey it makes it easy to set out their clothes for the next day!
Have a wonderful snowy Christmas and a terrific New Year!
Lou Ann & Lexie too
Great picture Jacqueline!!! They have gotten sooo big!! They sure do look Happy! What a exciting time you will have. Merry Christmas! Love you all! Kim
Great to finally see an update! Nicholas usually doesn't care what I put out for him to wear. Then again, most of his clothes are hand me downs so we don't have to shop much for clothes for him. That's interesting that both your boys are like that. I know this will change as he gets older. Our girls pick out their own clothes.
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